
Area dei prodotti medicali

    Metodo di inclusione in piastra

Un volume definito, solitamente da 0,5 ml a un massimo di 2 ml, di un campione (diluito) viene dispensato su una piastra Petri sterile. Successivamente, un terreno agar liquefatto (< 45°C) viene aggiunto e mescolato con il campione e lasciato solidificare. Dopo l’incubazione, vengono conteggiati prima il numero di colonie presenti principalmente nell’agar e in parte sull’agar e quindi il numero di unità formanti colonie (UFC) nel campione..

Terreni in flacone – Agar in flacone


N. di cat./ Descrizione

257336 R2A Agar (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257104 Sabouraud Glucose Agar (250 ml) Flat bottle, 300 ml

257153 Sabouraud Glucose Agar (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257261 Sabouraud Glucose Agar (400 ml) Lab bottle 500 ml, with volume scale

256665 Trypticase™ Soy Agar (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 250 ml

257105 Trypticase™ Soy Agar (250 ml) Flat bottle, 300 ml

257106 Trypticase™ Soy Agar (500 ml) Sirup bottle, 500 ml

257240 Trypticase™ Soy Agar (400 ml) Lab bottle 500 ml,with volume scale

299099 Trypticase Soy Agar (500ml) Sirup bottle, 660 ml

257516 Empty Petri Dishes, 90 mm, dbl wrapped, gamma irradiated


Terreni in flacone – Liquidi per risciacquo


N. di cat./ Descrizione

254961 Fluid A (400 ml) Lab bottle, 500 ml

254965 Fluid A (100 ml) Twist off jar, 150 ml

254979 Fluid A (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257096 Fluid A (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257222 Fluid A, double wrap (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257262 Fluid A, double wrap (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257263 Fluid A, double wrap (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257324 Fluid A, (400 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257332 Fluid A (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

290652 Fluid A (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 600 ml

290821 Fluid A (100 ml) Serum bottle, 100 ml

257223 Fluid D, double wrap (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257241 Fluid D (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257299 Fluid D (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 500 ml

257437 Fluid D (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

290662 Fluid D (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 660 ml

290831 Fluid D (100 ml) Serum bottle, 100 ml


Terreni in flacone – Brodo in flacone


N. di cat./ Descrizione

257109 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (9 ml) Vial, 30 ml

257423 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (13 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257107 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (20 ml) Vial, 30 ml

257158 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (50 ml) Sirup bottle, 90 ml

257242 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (90 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

299107 Trypticase™ Soy Broth, (100 ml) Serum Bottle, 100 ml

299416 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257228 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257247 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257159 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup Bottle, 150 ml

257276 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257316 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257424 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) - extra bag Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257248 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 210 ml

254967 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257411 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

257412 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257160 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

299113 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 660 ml

257413 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257414 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (600 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257436 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257185 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (3 l) 3 liter bag

257203 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (5 l) 5 liter bag

257202 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (10 l) 10 liter bag

257425 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (12 ml) Infusion bottle, 30 ml 60

257211 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (50 ml) Sirup bottle, 100 ml8

257307 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml4

257371 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml4

257265 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257213 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257215 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (250 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257197 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Sirup bottle, 1000 ml

257291 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257161 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double strength (50 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

254960 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double strength (50 ml) Twist off jar 150 ml

257366 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/0.5 Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257205 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/1% Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml


Terreni in flacone – Soluzioni fisiologiche


N. di cat./ Descrizione

257255 Saline Solution 0,9% (10 ml) Vial, 15 ml


Terreni in provetta – Soluzioni fisiologiche


N. di cat./ Descrizione

221818 Saline, Normal, 5 ml K

221819 Saline, Normal, 5 ml K

297753 Saline, Normal, Tube, 10 ml D


Terreni in provetta – Test di sterilità


N. di cat./ Descrizione

221815 TSB, 2 ml K

221715 TSB, 5 ml K

221716 TSB, 5 ml K

221092 TSB, 8 ml K

221093 TSB, 8 ml K

297354 TSB, 10 ml D

299936 TSB, 10ml K

297811 TSB, 20 ml A

    Filtrazione su membrana

Il metodo di filtrazione su membrana è ampiamente usato per i materiali di campioni acquosi e solubili. È particolarmente utile per campioni che presentano proprietà antimicrobiche. Un volume misurato di campione viene filtrato attraverso un filtro a membrana sterile trattenente i microrganismi grazie alla presenza di  pori di dimensioni non maggiori di 0,45 μm. Se necessario, la membrana può essere risciacquata una o più volte per eliminare le sostanze inibitorie che possono essere presenti nel materiale del campione. Le soluzioni di risciacquo normalmente usate sono una soluzione neutra di 1 g/l di peptone di carne o caseina (pH 7,1 ±0,2), liquido A, D e K. La soluzione di risciacquo può anche contenere agenti neutralizzanti o inattivanti. Dopo il risciacquo, la membrana è trasferita su un terreno di crescita microbiologico solido e quindi incubata. Vengono quindi conteggiati prima il numero di unità formanti colonie (UFC) presenti nella membrana e quindi il numero di UFC nel campione. La maggior parte delle società utilizza apparecchiature Millipore (Milliflex®) o Sartorius (Combisart®).


Terreni in flacone – Liquidi per risciacquo

N. di cat./ Descrizione

254961 Fluid A (400 ml) Lab bottle, 500 ml

254965 Fluid A (100 ml) Twist off jar, 150 ml

254979 Fluid A (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257096 Fluid A (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257222 Fluid A, double wrap (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257262 Fluid A, double wrap (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257263 Fluid A, double wrap (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257324 Fluid A, (400 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257332 Fluid A (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

290652 Fluid A (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 600 ml

290821 Fluid A (100 ml) Serum bottle, 100 ml

257223 Fluid D, double wrap (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257241 Fluid D (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257299 Fluid D (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 500 ml

257437 Fluid D (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

290662 Fluid D (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 660 ml

290831 Fluid D (100 ml) Serum bottle, 100 ml

    Metodo di diffusione in piastra

Un volume definito, solitamente da 0,1 ml a un massimo di 0,5 ml, di un campione (diluito) viene dispensato su un terreno solido e diffuso uniformemente sulla superficie agar con una spatola sterile Drigalski. Dopo l’incubazione, vengono conteggiati prima il numero colonie presenti sulla superficie agar e quindi il numero di UFC nel campione..

Terreni su piastra - TSA e SDA asettici


N. di cat./ Descrizione

254051 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

254086 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

254091 Sabouraud Agar with Chloramphenicol 400 μg 90 mm

254039 Sabouraud Glucose Agar 90 mm

254083 Sabouraud Glucose Agar 90 mm

254041 Sabouraud with Gentamycin and Chloramphenicol Agar 90 mm

254096 Sabouraud with Gentamycin and Chloramphenicol Agar 90 mm

Terreni su piastra – Terreni su piastra Sterile Pack (involucro doppio)

N. di cat./ Descrizione

299922 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 90 mm

254954 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

254956 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

292270 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm

292488 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm

221839 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm

257401 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm

215062 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm

257455 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penase 90 mm

Terreni su piastra – Terreni su piastra Sterile Pack (involucro triplo)

N. di cat./ Descrizione

257050 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Gamma0Irradiated 90 mm

257296 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Gamma0Irradiated 90 mm

257051 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, Gamma-Irradiated 90 mm

257295 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, Gamma-Irradiated 90 mm

Terreni su piastra – Terreni Isolator Pack (involucro triplo)

N. di cat./ Descrizione

299939 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 90 mm

292653 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm

254953 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 , Finger Dab 90 mm

254955 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

257081 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

257075 Trypticase™ Soy Agar w Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Finger Dab 90 mm

257080 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

257403 Trypticase™ Soy Agar w Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase 90 mm

292648 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Finger Dab 90 mm

292649 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Finger Dab 90 mm

292901 Trypticase™Soy Agar w Penicillinase, Isolator PacK mm

Terreni su piastra – Terreni su piastra Isolator Pack XT (involucro triplo)

N. di cat./ Descrizione

257376 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

257374 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

257383 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm

257384 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm

Terreni in flacone – Liquidi per risciacquo

N. di cat./ Descrizione

254961 Fluid A (400 ml) Lab bottle, 500 ml

254965 Fluid A (100 ml) Twist off jar, 150 ml

254979 Fluid A (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257096 Fluid A (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257222 Fluid A, double wrap (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257262 Fluid A, double wrap (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257263 Fluid A, double wrap (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257324 Fluid A, (400 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257332 Fluid A (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

290652 Fluid A (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 600 ml

290821 Fluid A (100 ml) Serum bottle, 100 ml

257223 Fluid D, double wrap (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257241 Fluid D (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257299 Fluid D (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 500 ml

257437 Fluid D (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

290662 Fluid D (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 660 ml

290831 Fluid D (100 ml) Serum bottle, 100 ml

Terreni in flacone – Brodo in flacone

N. di cat./ Descrizione

257109 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (9 ml) Vial, 30 ml

257423 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (13 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257107 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (20 ml) Vial, 30 ml

257158 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (50 ml) Sirup bottle, 90 ml

257242 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (90 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

299107 Trypticase™ Soy Broth, (100 ml) Serum Bottle, 100 ml

299416 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257228 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257247 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257159 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup Bottle, 150 ml

257276 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257316 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257424 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) - extra bag Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257248 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 210 ml

254967 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257411 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

257412 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257160 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

299113 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 660 ml

257413 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257414 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (600 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257436 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257185 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (3 l) 3 liter bag 3

257203 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (5 l) 5 liter bag 2

257202 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (10 l) 10 liter bag 1

257425 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (12 ml) Infusion bottle, 30 ml

257211 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (50 ml) Sirup bottle, 100 ml

257307 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257371 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257265 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257213 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257215 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (250 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257197 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Sirup bottle, 1000 ml

257291 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257161 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double strength (50 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

254960 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double strength (50 ml) Twist off jar 150 ml

257366 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/0.5 Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257205 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/1% Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

Terreni in provetta – Test di sterilità

N. di cat./ Descrizione

221815 TSB, 2 ml K

221715 TSB, 5 ml K

221716 TSB, 5 ml K

221092 TSB, 8 ml K

221093 TSB, 8 ml K

297354 TSB, 10 ml D

299936 TSB, 10ml K

297811 TSB, 20 ml A

Terreni in flacone – Soluzioni fisiologiche

N. di cat./ Descrizione

257255 Saline Solution 0,9% (10 ml) Vial, 15 ml

Terreni in provetta – Soluzioni fisiologiche

N. di cat./ Descrizione

221818 Saline, Normal, 5 ml K

221819 Saline, Normal, 5 ml K

297753 Saline, Normal, Tube, 10 ml D

    Metodo del numero più probabile (NPP)

La normale distribuzione dei microrganismi in soluzioni acquose è un’ipotesi formulata per questo metodo, del quale esistono alcune varianti. La base di tutte le varianti è tuttavia identica. Il numero più probabile nel campione può essere calcolato sulla base della probabilità della presenza di microrganismi vitali in varie diluizioni di un campione. In sintesi, vengono preparate diluizioni di dieci volte di un campione. Per ciascuna diluizione, aliquote di 1 ml sono inoculate in triplicato in un brodo di coltura. Dopo l’incubazione, si verifica in tutti i brodi l’eventuale presenza di crescita microbica e si registrano i risultati. Di norma, per leggere il numero più probabile si utilizzano tabelle statistiche basate sulla legge di Poisson. Altre varianti del test prevedono l’inoculo di un maggior numero di provette per diluizione, il che aumenta la sensibilità..

Terreni in flacone – Brodo in flacone

N. di cat./ Descrizione

299416 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257228 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257247 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257159 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup Bottle, 150 ml

257276 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257316 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257424 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) - extra bag Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257248 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 210 ml

254967 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257411 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

257412 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257160 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

299113 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 660 ml

257413 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257414 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (600 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257436 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257185 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (3 l) 3 liter bag

257203 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (5 l) 5 liter bag

257202 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (10 l) 10 liter bag

257425 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (12 ml) Infusion bottle, 30 ml

257211 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (50 ml) Sirup bottle, 100 ml8

257307 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257371 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257265 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257213 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257215 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (250 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257197 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Sirup bottle, 1000 ml

257291 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257161 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double strength (50 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

254960 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double strength (50 ml) Twist off jar 150 ml

257366 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/0.5 Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257205 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/1% Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257109 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (9 ml) Vial, 30 ml

257423 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (13 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257107 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (20 ml) Vial, 30 ml

257158 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (50 ml) Sirup bottle, 90 ml

257242 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (90 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

299107 Trypticase™ Soy Broth, (100 ml) Serum Bottle, 100 ml

Terreni in provetta – Test di sterilità


N. di cat./ Descrizione

221815 TSB, 2 ml K

221715 TSB, 5 ml K

221716 TSB, 5 ml K

221092 TSB, 8 ml K

221093 TSB, 8 ml K

297354 TSB, 10 ml D

299936 TSB, 10ml K

297811 TSB, 20 ml A


Terreni in flacone – Liquidi per risciacquo


N. di cat./ Descrizione

254961 Fluid A (400 ml) Lab bottle, 500 ml

254965 Fluid A (100 ml) Twist off jar, 150 ml

254979 Fluid A (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257096 Fluid A (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257222 Fluid A, double wrap (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257262 Fluid A, double wrap (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257263 Fluid A, double wrap (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257324 Fluid A, (400 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257332 Fluid A (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

290652 Fluid A (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 600 ml

290821 Fluid A (100 ml) Serum bottle, 100 ml

257223 Fluid D, double wrap (650 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257241 Fluid D (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257299 Fluid D (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 500 ml

257437 Fluid D (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

290662 Fluid D (300 ml) Sirup bottle, 660 ml

290831 Fluid D (100 ml) Serum bottle, 100 ml


Terreni in flacone – Soluzioni fisiologiche


N. di cat./ Descrizione

257255 Saline Solution 0,9% (10 ml) Vial, 15 ml


Terreni in provetta – Soluzioni fisiologiche


N. di cat./ Descrizione

221818 Saline, Normal, 5 ml K

221819 Saline, Normal, 5 ml K

297753 Saline, Normal, Tube, 10 ml D

    Inoculo diretto

Un volume definito di campione è dispensato asetticamente in due contenitori di terreno, es. flaconi. Di solito, è necessario testare campioni di un batch separatamente poiché il volume del prodotto non può superare il 10 per cento del volume del terreno. Al terreno è possibile aggiungere agenti neutralizzanti o inattivanti in caso di presenza di fattori inibitori nel prodotto. I campioni vengono quindi incubati per 14 giorni. Se i terreni diventano torbidi a causa della natura del prodotto (sospensioni), si prepara una subcoltura in un terreno fresco dopo la prima incubazione e i campioni vengono incubati per almeno altri 4 giorni.

Terreni in flacone – Brodo in flacone

N. di cat./ Descrizione

257144 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (20 ml) Vial, 100 ml

299108 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (Serum) Serum bottle, 100 ml

257176 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

299417 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257155 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257143 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257317 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257422 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (100 ml) - with bag Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257407 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (200 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

257408 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

299112 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (500 ml) Wide mouth jar, 660 ml

257409 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257406 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (600 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257438 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257426 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (ETO) (18 ml) Infusion bottle, 30 ml

257212 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (ETO) (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 100 ml

257370 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257246 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Special (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257249 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Special (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257275 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Special (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257097 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Special (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257217 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257264 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, (special), double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257219 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (Special), double wrap (250 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257290 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (Special), double wrap (250 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257150 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, double strength (800 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257365 Fluid Thioglycollate w/1% Tween (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257206 Fluid Thioglycollate w/1% Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257109 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (9 ml) Vial, 30 ml

257423 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (13 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257107 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (20 ml) Vial, 30 ml

257158 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (50 ml) Sirup bottle, 90 ml

257242 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (90 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

299107 Trypticase™ Soy Broth, (100 ml) Serum Bottle, 100 ml

292546 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (20 ml) Vial, 30 ml

299416 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257228 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257247 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257159 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup Bottle, 150 ml

257276 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257316 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257424 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) - with bag Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257248 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 210 ml

254967 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257411 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

257412 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257160 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

299113 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 660 ml

257413 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257414 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (600 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257436 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257425 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (12 ml) Infusion bottle, 30 ml

257211 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (50 ml) Sirup bottle, 100 ml

257307 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257371 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257265 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257213 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257215 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (250 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257197 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Sirup bottle, 1000 ml

257291 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257161 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double strength (50 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

254960 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double strength (50 ml) Twist off jar 150 ml

257366 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/0.5 Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257205 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/1% Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

    Campionamento aria attivo e passivo

Il metodo di filtrazione su membrana è ampiamente usato per i campioni acquosi e solubili. È particolarmente utile per campioni che presentano proprietà antimicrobiche. Un volume definito di campione viene filtrato attraverso un filtro a membrana sterile trattenente i microrganismi con pori di dimensioni nominali non maggiori di 0,45 μm. Se necessario, la membrana può essere risciacquata una o più volte per eliminare le sostanze inibitorie che erano presenti nel materiale del campione. Le soluzioni di risciacquo normalmente usate sono una soluzione neutra di 1 g/l di peptone di carne o caseina (pH 7,1 ±0,2), liquido A, D e K. La soluzione di risciacquo può anche contenere agenti neutralizzanti o inattivanti. Dopo il risciacquo, la membrana è trasferita su un terreno di crescita microbiologico solido e quindi incubata. Vengono quindi conteggiati prima il numero di unità formanti colonie (UFC) presenti nella membrana e quindi il numero di UFC nel campione. La maggior parte delle società utilizza apparecchiature Millipore (Milliflex®) o Sartorius (Combisart®).

Terreni su piastra – Terreni su piastra Sterile Pack

N. di cat./ Descrizione

257402 CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm

292255 D/E Neutralizing Agar, heavy fill 90 mm

292409 D/E Neutralizing Agar, heavy fill 90 mm

257397 D/E Neutralizing Agar, with Penicillinase 90 mm

292228 D/E Neutralizing Agar with Penicillinase, 25 ml 90 mm

292226 Rose Bengale + Chloramphenicol 90 mm

257050 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Gamma0Irradiated 90 mm

257296 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Gamma0Irradiated 90 mm

299922 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 90 mm

257282 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar w Chloramphenicol, Sterile Pack, (90 mm) 90 mm

299977 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 150 mm

257051 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, Gamma-Irradiated 90 mm

257295 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, Gamma-Irradiated 90 mm

254954 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

254956 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

257076 Tryptic Soy Agar, heavy fill 90 mm

257077 Tryptic Soy Agar, heavy fill 90 mm

221237 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 150 mm

257285 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 150 mm

292270 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm

292488 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm

292305 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 150 mm

221839 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm

257401 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm

215062 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm

221837 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 150 mm

221839 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm


Terreni su piastra – Terreni Isolator Pack


N. di cat./ Descrizione

93043 Brewer Anaerobe Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbat 80, Isolator Pack 90 mm

292647 D/E Neutralizing Agar 90 mm

254972 Mirobial Content Test Agar, Isolator Pack, heavy fill, 90 mm

257432 Mirobial Content Test Agar, Isolator Pack, heavy fill, 90 mm

299939 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 90 mm

292653 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm

292654 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 150 mm

292999 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Chloramphenicol 90 mm

257080 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

254955 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

257081 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

292272 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 150 mm

257284 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 150 mm

292901 Trypticase™Soy Agar w Penicillinase, Isolator Pack 90 mm

257075 Trypticase™ Soy Agar w Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Finger Dab 90 mm

254953 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 , Finger Dab 90 mm

292648 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Finger Dab 90 mm

292649 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Finger Dab 90 mm

292650 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 150 mm

257454 Trypticase™Soy Agar w 4 Neutralizers, heavy fill 90 mm

257403 Trypticase™ Soy Agar w Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase 90 mm

257376 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

257374 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm

257375 Trypticase™ Soy Agar Heavy Fill 90 mm

257475 Trypticase™ Soy Agar Heavy Fill 90 mm

257373 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, 150 mm

257377 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, 150 mm

257383 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm

257384 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm

257379 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Heavy Fill 90 mm

257466 Sanitizer, heavy fill 90 mm

257468 Sanitizer, heavy fill 90 mm

    Metodi di test

I metodi di test di microrganismi specifici possono iniziare con una fase di rivitalizzazione di varie ore, es. test per batteri gram-negativi bile-tolleranti, seguiti da una o due fasi di arricchimento selettivo o non selettivo dei microrganismi presenti in un campione. Successivamente, si esegue una subcoltura su terreno agar selettivo per la rilevazione dei microrganismi specificati. L’identità dei microrganismi cresciuti sui terreni nella fase finale del test deve essere sempre confermata.

I test sono qualitativi, ossia presenza o assenza dei microrganismi specificati. Oltre al test qualitativo, è stato comunque descritto un metodo di test quantitativo basato sul principio NPP (vedere test della carica microbica) per i batteri gram-negativi bile-tolleranti.

I terreni devono rispettare i requisiti descritti in farmacopea in relazione a proprietà stimolanti la crescita, selettività ed elettività, usando inoculi di dimensioni ridotte (≤ 100 UFC) di un pannello di microrganismi in condizioni di incubazione specifiche.

Test per E. coli

N. di cat./ Descrizione

254957 MacConkey Broth (100 ml) Syrup bottle 125 ml; 25 each

220100 MacConkey Broth 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

215197 MacConkey Agar 100 mm plate 20 each

297064 MacConkey Agar 100 mm plate 100 each

212123 MacConkey Agar 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

212122 MacConkey Agar 2 kg, dehydrated 1 each

275300 MacConkey Agar 10 kg, dehydrated 1 each

211387 MacConkey Agar 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

211390 MacConkey Agar 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

211391 MacConkey Agar 5 lbs, dehydrated 1 each

Test per batteri gram-negativi bile-tolleranti

N. di cat./ Descrizione

254486 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar 100 mm plate 20 each

257042 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar Contact plate 33 each

218661 Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar 500g, dehydrated 1 each

254959 EE Broth Mossel (100 ml) Syrup bottle; 125 ml 25 each

257135 EE Broth Mossel (100 ml) Glass bottle/Jar 212 ml 10 each

256620 EE Broth Mossel 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

297005 EE Broth Mossel 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

Test per Salmonella spp.

N. di cat./ Descrizione

215199 RVS Soy Broth (10 ml) K tube; 102 x 16.5 mm 10 each

214943 RVS Soy Broth 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

254055 XLD Agar 100 mm plate 20 each

254090 XLD Agar 100 mm plate 120 each

278850 XLD Agar 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

278820 XLD Agar 2 kg, dehydrated 1 each

278830 XLD Agar 10 kg, dehydrated 1 each

Test per Pseudomonas aeruginosa

N. di cat./ Descrizione

254419 BD Pseudosel™ Agar - Cetrimide 100 mm plate 20 each

285420 Cetrimide Agar Base 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

Test per Staphylococcus aureus

N. di cat./ Descrizione

254027 Mannitol Salt Agar 100 mm plate 20 each

254079 Mannitol Salt Agar 100 mm plate 120 each

211407 Mannitol Salt Agar 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

211410 Mannitol Salt Agar 5 lbs, dehydrated 1 each

293689 Mannitol Salt Agar 25 lbs, dehydrated 1 each

Test per Clostridia

N. di cat./ Descrizione

215192 Reinforced Medium for Clostridia Septum bottle, 100 ml 10 each

218081 Reinforced Medium for Clostridia 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

215191 Columbia Agar w/o blood 100 mm plate 20 each

211124 Columbia Agar w/o blood 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

211125 Columbia Agar w/o blood 5 lbs, dehydrated 1 each

211126 Agar w/o blood 25 lbs, dehydrated 1 each

Test per Candida albicans

N. di cat./ Descrizione

215193 Sabouraud Dextrose Broth Septum bottle,100 ml 10 each

238230 Sabouraud Dextrose Broth 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

238210 Sabouraud Dextrose Broth 2 kg, dehydrated 1 each

254039 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 100 mm plate 20 each

254083 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 100 mm plate 120 each

257050 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 100 mm, Sterile Pack Plate, 10 each

257059 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Contact, Sterile Pack Plate 10 each

257296 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 100 mm, Sterile Pack Plate, 100 each

257104 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (250 ml) Flat bottle; 300 ml 12 each

257153 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (100 ml) Syrup bottle; 150 ml 25 each

257261 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (400 ml) Lab bottle; 500 ml 4 each

211584 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

211585 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 5 lbs, dehydrated 1 each

210940 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 100 g, dehydrated 1 each

210950 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 500 g, dehydrated 1 each

211661 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 2 kg, dehydrated 1 each

210930 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 10 kg, dehydrated 1 each

Terreni EP/USP TSM – Tamponi e soluzioni

N. di cat./ Descrizione

257385 Phosphate Buffer pH 7.2 (Stock Solution 100 ml) Infusion bottle; 100 ml; 25 each

257086 Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution pH 7.0 (100 ml) Infusion bottle; 100 ml; 25 each

257087 Buffered Sodium Chloride-Peptone Solution pH 7.0 (100 ml) Infusion bottle; 500 ml; 10 each

Terreni in flacone – Brodo in flacone

N. di cat./ Descrizione

299107 Trypticase™ Soy Broth, (100 ml) Serum Bottle, 100 ml

299416 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257228 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257247 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257159 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup Bottle, 150 ml

257276 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257316 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257424 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) - extra bag Wide mouth jar, 150 ml

257248 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 210 ml

254967 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257411 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

257412 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257160 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

299113 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 660 ml

257413 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257414 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (600 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257436 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257185 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (3 l) 3 liter bag

257203 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (5 l) 5 liter bag

257202 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (10 l) 10 liter bag

257425 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (12 ml) Infusion bottle, 30 ml 60

257211 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (50 ml) Sirup bottle, 100 ml8

257307 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257371 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257265 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257213 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257215 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (250 ml) Wide mouth jar, 380 ml

257197 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Sirup bottle, 1000 ml

257291 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257161 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double strength (50 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

254960 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double strength (50 ml) Twist off jar 150 ml

257366 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/0.5 Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257205 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/1% Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml


256668 Lactose Broth (90 ml) Wide mouth jar, 210 ml

257100 Lactose Broth (90 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

254966 Lactose Broth (100 ml) Wide mouth jar 380 ml

    Campionamento di superficie

I metodi di campionamento di superficie includono l’uso di tamponi e piastre a contatto. Queste ultime sono utili per il campionamento di superfici piatte lisce. I siti devono inoltre essere ben accessibili. Il campionamento a tampone è utile per superfici irregolari, angoli, cavità, fessure e altri siti di difficile accesso. Il campionamento di superficie è usato anche per prelevare campioni da indumenti e guanti. I risultati sono espressi come numero di UFC per piastra (piastre a contatto) o cm2 (tamponi). Dopo il campionamento, i residui dei terreni devono essere eliminati in maniera appropriata..

Terreni su piastra – Terreni su piastra Sterile Pack

N. di cat./ Descrizione

292229 CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar RODAC™ 10

221232 D/E Neutralizing Agar RODAC™ 10

222209 D/E Neutralizing Agar RODAC™ 100

257399 D/E Neutralizing Agar RODAC™ 100

221944 D/E Neutralizing Agar Contact 10

292227 D/E Neutralizing Agar with Penicillinase RODAC™ 10

257398 D/E Neutralizing Agar with Penicillinase RODAC™ 100

215063 D/E Neutralizing Agar with Penicillinase RODAC™ 100

292225 Rose Bengale + Chloramphenicol RODAC™ 10

221235 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar RODAC™ 10

221988 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Contact 10

257059 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Gamma0Irradiated Contact 10

221233 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 10

221989 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 Contact 10

257055 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, Gamma0Irradiated Contact 10

292290 Trypticase™ Soy Agar Contact 10

257396 Trypticase™ Soy Agar RODAC™ 100

221987 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase Contact 10

221234 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase RODAC™ 10

257400 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase RODAC™ 100

222246 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase RODAC™ 10

222247 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ Secure 100

221238 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 10

222207 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 100

221961 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 Contact 10

222208 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 Contact 100

Terreni su piastra – Terreni su piastra Isolator Pack

N. di cat./ Descrizione

293044 Brewer Anaerobe Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbat 80, Isolator Pack Contact 100

292645 D/E Neutralizing Agar RODAC™ 10

292646 D/E Neutralizing Agar RODAC™ 100

257297 Mirobial Content Test Agar, Isolator Pack Contact 10

299937 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 10

292337 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 100

299896 Trypticase™Soy Agar w Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Isolator Pack RODAC™

292335 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 100

293000 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 Contact 100

257421 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 10

257453 Trypticase™Soy Agar w 4 Neutralizers, Isolator Pack, RODAC™™ 10

292998 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Chloramphenicol Contact 100

Terreni su piastra – Terreni su piastra Isolator Pack XT

N. di cat./ Descrizione

257469 Sanitizer RODAC™ 10

257467 Sanitizer RODAC™ 100

257427 Trypticase™ Soy Agar RODAC™ Secure 100

257380 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 10

257381 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 100

257378 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ Secure 10

257382 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ Secure 100

Terreni su piastra – Tampone Sterile Pack

N. di cat./ Descrizione

220518 Sterile Pack Swab 200

Terreni su piastra – Terreni su piastra Isolator Pack

N. di cat./ Descrizione

257376 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm 10

257374 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm 100

257375 Trypticase™ Soy Agar Heavy Fill 90 mm 100

257475 Trypticase™ Soy Agar Heavy Fill 90 mm 10

257373 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, 150 mm 5

257377 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, 150 mm 30

257383 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm 10

257384 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm 100

257379 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Heavy Fill 90 mm 100

257466 Sanitizer, heavy fill 90 mm 10

257468 Sanitizer, heavy fill 90 mm 100

    Media fill



N. di cat. / Descrizione

214889 Select APS™ -Tryptic Soy Broth BD DifcoTM 1 x 500 g

214887 Select APS™ -Tryptic Soy Broth BD DifcoTM 1 x 10 kg

214886 Select APS™ -Tryptic Soy Broth (Sterile) BD DifcoTM 1 x 10 kg

211825 Tryptic Soy Broth BD DifcoTM 1 x 500 g

211822 Tryptic Soy Broth BD DifcoTM 1 x 2 kg

211823 Tryptic Soy Broth BD DifcoTM 1 x 10 kg

211768 Trypticase™ Soy Broth BD BBLTM 1 x 500 g

211771 Trypticase™ Soy Broth BD BBLTM 1 x 2,27 kg

211772 Trypticase™ Soy Broth BD BBLTM 1 x 11,35 kg




N. di cat. / Descrizione

225640 Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid 100 g

225650 Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid 500 g

225620 Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid 2 kg

225630 Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid 10 kg

211260 Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid 500 g

211264 Thioglycollate Medium, Fluid 11.35 kg


TERRENI IN FLACONE – Brodo in flacone


N. di cat. / Descrizione

257185 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (3 l) 3 liter bag

257203 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (5 l) 5 liter bag

257202 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (10 l) 10 liter bag

99108 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (Serum) Serum bottle, 100 ml

257176 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

299417 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257155 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257143 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

2257407 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (200 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

257408 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257409 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257406 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (600 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257438 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257212 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (ETO) (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 100 ml

257370 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257246 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Special (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257249 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Special (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257275 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Special (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257097 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium Special (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257217 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257264 Fluid Thioglycollate Medium, (special), double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257365 Fluid Thioglycollate w/1% Tween (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257206 Fluid Thioglycollate w/1% Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

299107 Trypticase™ Soy Broth, (100 ml) Serum Bottle, 100 ml

299416 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257228 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257247 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 100 ml

257159 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup Bottle, 150 ml

257276 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

257411 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 250 ml

257412 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (300 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

257160 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 500 ml

299113 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 660 ml

257413 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (500 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257414 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (600 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257436 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (870 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257307 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257371 Trypticase™ Soy Broth (ETO) (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257265 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257213 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (100 ml) Infusion bottle, 125 ml

257197 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Sirup bottle, 1000 ml

257291 Trypticase™ Soy Broth , double wrap (800 ml) Infusion bottle, 1000 ml

257366 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/0.5 Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 125 ml

257205 Trypticase™ Soy Broth w/1% Tween (100 ml) Sirup bottle, 150 ml

    Validazione della pulizia

TERRENI SU PIASTRA – Terreni su piastra Sterile Pack


N. di cat. / Descrizione

292229 CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar RODAC™ 10

221232 D/E Neutralizing Agar RODAC™ 10

222209 D/E Neutralizing Agar RODAC™ 100

257399 D/E Neutralizing Agar RODAC™ 100

221944 D/E Neutralizing Agar Contact 10

292227 D/E Neutralizing Agar with Penicillinase RODAC™ 10

257398 D/E Neutralizing Agar with Penicillinase RODAC™ 100

215063 D/E Neutralizing Agar with Penicillinase RODAC™ 100

292225 Rose Bengale + Chloramphenicol RODAC™ 10

221235 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar RODAC™ 10

221988 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Contact 10

257059 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Gamma0Irradiated Contact 10

221233 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 10

221989 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 Contact 10

257055 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, Gamma0Irradiated Contact 10

292290 Trypticase™ Soy Agar Contact 10

257396 Trypticase™ Soy Agar RODAC™ 100

221987 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase Contact 10

221234 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase RODAC™ 10

257400 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase RODAC™ 100

222246 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase RODAC™ 10

222247 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ Secure 100

221238 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 10

222207 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 100

221961 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 Contact 10

222208 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 Contact 100

257402 CDC Anaerobe Blood Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm 100

292255 D/E Neutralizing Agar, heavy fill 90 mm 10

292409 D/E Neutralizing Agar, heavy fill 90 mm 100

257397 D/E Neutralizing Agar, with Penicillinase 90 mm 100

292228 D/E Neutralizing Agar with Penicillinase, 25 ml 90 mm 10

292226 Rose Bengale + Chloramphenicol 90 mm 10

257050 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Gamma0Irradiated 90 mm 10

257296 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Gamma0Irradiated 90 mm 100

299922 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 90 mm 10

257282 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar w Chloramphenicol, Sterile Pack, (90 mm) 90 mm 10

257051 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, Gamma-Irradiated 90 mm 10

257295 Trypticase™ Soy Agar, Gamma-Irradiated 90 mm 100

254954 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm 10

254956 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm 100

257076 Tryptic Soy Agar, heavy fill 90 mm 10

257077 Tryptic Soy Agar, heavy fill 90 mm 100

292270 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm 100

292488 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm 100

221839 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm 10

257401 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm 100

221837 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 150 mm 5

221839 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Penicillinase 90 mm 10


TERRENI SU PIASTRA – Terreni su piastra Isolator Pack


N. di cat. / Descrizione

293044 Brewer Anaerobe Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbat 80, Isolator Pack Contact 100

292645 D/E Neutralizing Agar RODAC™ 10

292646 D/E Neutralizing Agar RODAC™ 100

257297 Mirobial Content Test Agar, Isolator Pack Contact 10

299937 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 10

292337 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 100

299896 Trypticase™Soy Agar w Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Isolator Pack RODAC™ 10

292335 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 100

293000 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 Contact 100

257421 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 10

257453 Trypticase™Soy Agar w 4 Neutralizers, Isolator Pack, RODAC™™ 10

292998 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Chloramphenicol Contact 100

293043 Brewer Anaerobe Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbat 80, Isolator Pack 90 mm 100

292647 D/E Neutralizing Agar 90 mm 10

254972 Mirobial Content Test Agar, Isolator Pack, heavy fill, 90 mm 10

257432 Mirobial Content Test Agar, Isolator Pack, heavy fill, 90 mm 10

299939 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 90 mm 10

292653 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm 10

292999 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Chloramphenicol 90 mm 100

257080 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm 10

254955 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm 100

257081 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm 100

292901 Trypticase™Soy Agar w Penicillinase, Isolator Pack 90 mm 100

257075 Trypticase™ Soy Agar w Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Finger Dab 90 mm 10

254953 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 , Finger Dab 90 mm 100

292648 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Finger Dab 90 mm 10

292649 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Finger Dab 90 mm 100

257454 Trypticase™Soy Agar w 4 Neutralizers, heavy fill 90 mm 10

257403 Trypticase™ Soy Agar w Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 and Penicillinase 90 mm 100


TERRENI SU PIASTRA – Terreni su piastra Isolator Pack XT


N. di cat. / Descrizione

257469 Sanitizer RODAC™ 10

257467 Sanitizer RODAC™ 100

257427 Trypticase™ Soy Agar RODAC™ Secure 100

257380 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 10

257381 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ 100

257378 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ Secure 10

257382 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 RODAC™ Secure 100

257376 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm 10

257374 Trypticase™ Soy Agar 90 mm 100

257375 Trypticase™ Soy Agar Heavy Fill 90 mm 100

257475 Trypticase™ Soy Agar Heavy Fill 90 mm 10

257383 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm 10

257384 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80 90 mm 100

257379 Trypticase™ Soy Agar with Lecithin and Polysorbate 80, Heavy Fill 90 mm 100

257466 Sanitizer, heavy fill 90 mm 10

257468 Sanitizer, heavy fill 90 mm 100


TERRENI SU PIASTRA – Tampone Sterile Pack


N. di cat. / Descrizione

220518 Sterile Pack Swab 200