BD Pyxis Remote Manager Temp Monitor and BD Pyxis Remote Manager

Implement automated temperature-sensitive medication dispensing, monitoring and management

BD Pyxis Remote Manager Temp Monitor and BD Pyxis Remote Manager are software modules and electronic latch systems that automate the dispensing of temperature-sensitive medications, fluids, tissues and implants. BD Pyxis Remote Manager Temp Monitor adds a temperature sensor with digital display for storage-device temperature monitoring.


They integrate with the BD Pyxis MedStation ES, BD Pyxis MedStation ES Tower, BD Pyxis ProcedureStation, BD Pyxis SupplyStation and BD Pyxis StockStation systems.

Enhanced patient safety

The systems reduce the chance of administering medications or implanting tissues exposed to inappropriate temperatures.

Enhanced medication safety

BD Pyxis Remote Manager Temp Monitor provides a warning if internal storage device temperatures fall outside of user-defined limits.

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