BD Veritor™ system

The BD Veritor™ system uses the BD Veritor system digital reader and test device. These components integrate the unique BD advanced particle and adaptive read technologies to enhance both the sensitivity and specificity of the test, providing an objective, trustworthy result.

State-of-the-art technologies

The BD Veritor system test device incorporates state-of-the-art technologies into a dependable, familiar platform.

Quick readiness

The test device allows antigen to interact with antibodies quickly, delivering a definitive result within minutes.

Simple activation

The BD Veritor system digital reader eliminates the need for visual and subjective interpretation of lab results, enabling lab-quality accuracy for any user at the point of care.

BD Veritor system flu assays
Catalogue no.Description
256045 Flu A+B CLIA waived
256041 Flu A+B moderately complex
BD Veritor system RSV assays
Catalogue no.Description
256038 RSV CLIA waived
256042 RSV moderately complex
BD Veritor system group A strep assays
Catalogue no.Description
256045 Flu A+B CLIA waived
256040 GAS CLIA waived
BD Veritor system digital reader
Catalogue no.Description
256055 Digital reader
BD Veritor system Analyser module
Catalogue no.Description
256066 Analyser module

Please note, not all products, services or features of products and services may be available in your local area. Please check with your local BD representative.


* The test device and the digital reader work together to achieve this capability. Users may see additional lines; however, the reader interprets this added information to deliver the correct result. Users should not try to visually interpret results in the BD Veritor system.

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