Voorkomen van lekke banden en snijwonden in het ziekenhuis en de gezondheidszorg (in het Engels)

Prevention of Sharps Injuries in the Hospital and Healthcare Sector

This document has been drafted by the European Biosafety Network, a newly constituted organisation which has been established with the principal object of eliminating sharps injuries throughout the European Union. The European Biosafety Network was established following the final adoption of the new European Directive on sharps injuries with a key commitment to improve the safety of patients and healthcare and non-healthcare workers. The Directive was drafted by the European Commission and adopted by the European Council of Ministers. It incorporates the EU Framework Agreement on sharps injuries, negotiated by the EU social partners EPSU and HOSPEEM, and also responds to a European Parliament report on needlestick injuries.

The Network is open to national and European professional institutions, representative associations, unions and other interested organizations committed to the elimination of sharps injuries throughout the EU. This will be achieved by promoting best practice and providing guidance and assistance to Member States and the European Commission on the legislative implementation of the European Union Council Directive on sharps injuries and to ensure maximum compliance andcoverage for all relevant workers and sectors.The Network's objectives include establishing measures, at EU level, aimed at increasing the education and training of healthcare and non-healthcare workers and promoting safer practices as well asproviding the necessary safety engineered technologies.

The Network is hosting the 1st European Biosafety Summit in Madrid on 1-2 June 2010 at the offices of the Spanish General Council of Nursing. This first EUBiosafety Summit is an important public expression of the European social commitment to the prevention of risks associated with blood-borne diseases, which have a huge impact on the health of the workers and the citizens of European Union.

Referentie van de volledige paper:
"European Biosafety Workshop. Prevention of sharps injuries in the hospital and healthcare sector. Implementation guidance for the EU Framework Agreement, council directive and associated national legislation."

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