
Inventory management platforms

Step up to a platform that promotes unification

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Consolidation is happening rapidly, emphasising the rising importance and scalability of hospitals and hospital groups. Serving patients no longer has conventional boundaries.

BD dispensing and infusion technologies leverage a common platform to support medication management through hospitals or a group of hospitals. The platform integrates BD technologies with HIT systems, enabling formulary interoperability, and centralised user and barcode management. The platform also captures, consolidates and analyses data to help improve decision making, efficiency and cost while standardising system management.


  • Enables formulary interoperability via HIT integration
  • Simplifies system user management via Active Directory
  • Facilitates standardisation via data centralisation
  • Supports BD technologies and functionality via a software-based interface engine
  • Simplifies the pick process with barcode verification
  • Helps pharmacists redeploy to clinical activity
  • Provides near real-time reporting and analytics via one common access point
  • Enables clinicians to access patient-specific med data upon admission* 
  • Reduces IT footprint and leverages investments


Please note, not all products, services or features of products and services may be available in your local area. Please check with your local BD representative.

BD may not make this capability available for commercial sale.



With the cost of medications accounting for up to 80% of a pharmacy's budget, hospitals and health systems face increasing pressure to reduce spend and minimise waste, without compromising care. To achieve these goals, pharmacists must adopt enterprise-wide solutions that manage 100% of medications, standardise processes and streamline workflow. 

Our inventory management and compounding solutions help pharmacies efficiently procure, pick, prepare, check and track all medications. At each step, our technologies improve accuracy, visibility and standardisation—driving out cost, waste and complexity.


  • Procures medication via a centralised process
  • Generates supplier orders for only what is needed
  • Supports hub and spoke models
  • Automates work queues for pharmacists
  • Simplifies the pick process with barcode verification
  • Tracks medications in near real time
  • Standardises medication compounding
  • Reduces errors via gravimetrics IV compounding
  • Provides analytics and surveillance
  • Standardises formulary via HIT interoperability
  • Helps redeploy pharmacists to clinical activity
  • Supports regulatory guidelines


Please note, not all products, services or features of products and services may be available in your local area. Please check with your local BD representative.




Within a 300-bed hospital, nurses may administer up to 4,000 medication doses daily across all patient care areas.1 Pharmacy, nursing and IT must be synchronised to provide the correct medication and avoid costly mistakes. To ensure medication safety, patient satisfaction and sound financial performance, hospitals and health systems must take a closer look at their medication management system.

Connected medication management solutions help pharmacies efficiently store, dispense, track and deliver all medications - so nurses have what is needed for patients. Along with our inventory management and compounding technologies, the solutions help to improve accuracy, efficiency and visibility across the enterprise.


  • Manages 100% of medications
  • Leverages centralised system management efforts
  • Helps to reduce time to first dose
  • Provides clinical workflows centred on patients
  • Alerts of potential errors before they reach the bedside
  • Enables nurses to pre-select meds for dispensing and document waste remotely
  • Increases visibility into "Where's my patient's med?"
  • Facilitates compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Enables HIT interoperability, reducing manual steps
  • Provides analytics to optimise devices and track trends


Please note, not all products, services or features of products and services may be available in your local area. Please check with your local BD representative.

  1. Baker, J., Draves, M., Ramudhin, A. Analysis of the Medication Management System in Seven Hospitals. CareFusion white paper, 2010.

