BD Vacutainer® Heparin Blood Collection Tubes FAQ


What is the source of the heparin that is used in the BD Vacutainer® Blood Collection Tubes?


The heparin is derived from porcine intestinal mucosa.


What types of heparin are offered in the BD Vacutainer® Blood Collection Tubes?


The green top heparin tubes contain either the lithium or sodium salt of the heparin anticoagulant. Lithium heparin should not be used for lithium determinations. Sodium heparin, when used for trace element analysis, is identified with a dark blue BD Hemogard


How is the heparin applied to the tube wall?


All of the heparin is spray-dried on the wall of the tube.


What is the concentration of heparin in the BD Vacutainer® Blood Collection Tubes?


Product supplied to EU region contains 17 IU per ml.

As of April 1, 2010, if a sodium or Lithium Heparin tube has a capital N superscript alphabetic character following the word Heparin (i.e. HeparinN), the USP and IU are equivalent. You will also see a numerical change in the number of USP Activity Units as a result of the harmonisation to the WHO International Standard.

Please refer to the BD electronic catalogue for details on the specific product that you are interested in. There are no changes in the design or clinical performance of the BD Vacutainer® Blood Collection Tubes with Lithium Heparin or Sodium Heparin Additives. This is a labelling change only.

For more information, please refer to the USP site's article on heparin.


Will the sodium results be higher in the Sodium Heparin Tubes?


When the Sodium Heparin tubes are filled to the proper volume, the sodium results will be 1 to 2 mmol/L higher.

Please note, not all products, services or features of products and services may be available in your local area. Please check with your local BD representative.


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