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Introducing the optimized Infusion Preparation & Delivery (IPD) portfolio
Designed to help improve your operational and clinical efficiencies.
BD is evolving with the industry through carefully selected products designed to help improve your efficiency and empower you to provide the best patient care possible.
Delivers exceptional quality, value and utility
Aligns with industry best practices and standards1-2
Addresses clinician preferences and hospital needs in today’s healthcare landscape3
The optimized BD portfolio may lead to fewer SKUs in inventory, which has been shown to have the following benefits:
- Improve workflow6
- Reduce storage needs7
- Improve contracting and inventory / supply chain management6
- Reduce number of stock outs8
- With SKU optimization and standardization, a typical 300-bed hospital may be able to reduce supply inventories by 3%, saving as much as $10 million in operating expenses.9
The optimized BD portfolio may lead to standardized product use, which has been shown to result in the following benefits:
- Less time needed for training6,10
- Improved familiarity and comfort with products11
- Greater reliability of supply6
- More time to focus on patient care11
- In 2018, U.S. healthcare organizations spent an average of $602 per employee on learning, and their employees averaged 25.5 hours in training. Reducing SKUs in inventory may mean less training time and expense.6,13
- Fewer SKUs often means a smaller inventory and less time needed for maintenance and management.7
- With SKU optimization and standardization, a typical 300-bed hospital may be able to reduce supply inventories by 3%, saving as much as $10 million in operating expenses.9
- Product standardization results in buying fewer supplies and deploying less capital to hold inventory on site.14
- With fewer products to learn, less training time is needed for clinicians.6,10
See the benefits of simplification
The optimized BD portfolio is designed to provide:4,5
The optimized BD portfolio may lead to fewer SKUs in inventory, which has been shown to:
- Improve workflow
- Reduce storage needs
- Improve contracting and inventory/supply chain management
- Reduce number of stock outs
BD pharmacy products are designed to enhance medication preparation and delivery while helping facilitate compliance. By working closely with pharmaceutical and biotech companies worldwide, we are continuing to help reduce medication errors and improve patient safety. We also provide pharmacy disposal solutions to help ensure the safe disposal of various types of sharps.
The challenge
Backorders and shortages of essential hospital supplies threatening to compromise clinical outcomes in hospitals
The solution
Optimized and ensured inventory by streamlining SKUs
The results
Banner Health reduced their overall SKU inventory by 77%, resulting in lower cost of goods, more storage space and less variation in practice