
BD Accuspray™ nasal spray system

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Using the BD Accuspray™ nasal spray system, healthcare providers can provide accurate, user-friendly nasal drug spray delivery for a positive patient experience.1

accuspray nasal drug delivery RC PS PSP 0616 0119
  • accuspray nasal drug delivery RC PS PSP 0616 0119
  • accuspray nasal drug delivery C PS PSP 0117 000
  • accuspray nasal drug delivery C PS PSP 0117 0003
  • accuspray nasal drug delivery RC PS PSP 0616 0119

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  1. BD Accuspray: Doctor and patient needs: 22 focus groups in 5 different countries: US, Canada, France, UK and Germany [internal survey]. Pont-de-Claix, FR: Becton, Dickinson and Company; 2000.

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