
BD Hypak™ for Vaccines Glass Prefillable Syringe System

BD tools for vaccine combination product developers

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BD HypakTM for Vaccines Glass Prefillable Syringe System selected by the top 5 vaccine pharmaceutical companies1 2:

  • key specifications are adapted to the current needs of vaccine manufacturing.3
  • minimized risk of deviation through In-Process Controls implemented at critical steps of the manufacturing process.3
Features and Benefits

BD HypakTM for Vaccines Glass Prefillable Syringe Features

  • Flange optimal resistance2
  • Prevents rolling*

BD HypakTM for Vaccines Glass Prefillable Syringe Benefits

  • Key specifications adapted to the current needs of vaccine manufacturing3
  • Minimized risk of deviation through In-Process Controls implemented at critical steps of the manufacturing process3
  • Multi-sourcing network for business continuity
  • 30 reference available: staked needle or luer tip, different flanges, tip or needle caps, etc.

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* BD tools for vaccine combination product developers. 


  1. Market analysis and product sales for Vaccines, from 2014 to 2018 [internal analysis]. Pont de Claix, FR: Becton, Dickinson and Company; 2019
  2. Vaccines Market Leaders, accessed 4th April 2018
  3. BD HypakTM for vaccines needle design verification rationale [internal study]. Pont-de-Claix, FR: Becton, Dickinson and Company; 2013

BD Expertise in Galss Prefilable Syringe for Vaccines

Our expertise in BD HypakTM for Vaccines Glass Prefillable Syringe 

  • Nearly 3 billion units sold since launch4
  • Selected by the top 5 vaccine pharmaceutical companies 1,2
  • BD is uniquely positioned with high volume production capacity delivering hundreds of millions4 of BD HypakTM for Vaccines each year

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  1. Market analysis and product sales for Vaccines, from 2014 to 2018 [internal analysis]. Pont de Claix, FR: Becton, Dickinson and Company; 2019
  2. Vaccines Market Leaders, accessed 4th April 2018
  3. BD HypakTM for vaccines needle design verification rationale [internal study]. Pont-de-Claix, FR: Becton, Dickinson and Company; 2013
  4. BD sales analysis [internal analysis]. Pont-de-Claix, FR: Becton, Dickinson and Company; 2019
  5. BD-PS external communication to customers - BD to Invest $1.2 Billion in Pre-Fillable Syringe Manufacturing Capacity Over Next Four Years Dec. 2, 2020

BD Hypak™ for Vaccines Glass Prefillable Syringe availability

  • Will benefit from BD long-term capacity extension program with investment of over USD 1.2 billion for ready-to-administer containers for injectable drugs1
  • Samples available on demand
  • Commercial availability to be evaluated against requirements.

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  1. BD-PS external communication to customers - BD to Invest $1.2 Billion in Pre-Fillable Syringe Manufacturing Capacity Over Next Four Years Dec. 2, 2020

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BD Hypak™ for vaccines glass pre-fillable syringe system BD BD Hypak™ for vaccines glass pre-fillable syringe

BD HypakTM for Vaccines Glass Prefillable Syringe Features

  • Flange optimal resistance2
  • Prevents rolling*

BD HypakTM for Vaccines Glass Prefillable Syringe Benefits

  • Key specifications adapted to the current needs of vaccine manufacturing3
  • Minimized risk of deviation through In-Process Controls implemented at critical steps of the manufacturing process3
  • Multi-sourcing network for business continuity
  • 30 reference available: staked needle or luer tip, different flanges, tip or needle caps, etc.

BD tools for vaccine combination product developers

vaccines, prefillable syringe, ready-to-administer containers, injectable drugs