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| Enhancing Patient Safety: Overview of the INS 2024 Non-Antineoplastic Vesicant List and Resources | A vesicant is a medication or solution that is capable of causing tissue injury when that substance is inadvertently delivered outside of the venous pathway (ie. extravasation). The severity of patient injury from an extravasation is dependent on multiple factors, such as the route of delivery, the mechanism of action and concentration of the vesicant, patient characteristics, and the amount of vesicant that escapes the venous pathway. In the oncology setting, antineoplastic vesicants and their treatments are well documented. Non-antineoplastic vesicants, however, are much more diverse in mechanism of action, administered in a variety of clinical settings, and are often delivered emergently via peripheral intravenous devices. These factors increase the risk of patient harm and require proactive management to enhance patient safety. This presentation will provide guidance on utilization of the updated 2024 Infusion Nurses Society Evidence-based Non-Antineoplastic Vesicant list relating how vesicant resources are intended to help improve patient outcomes. | Register now for our February 20 webinar! |

Judith LaJoie DNP, RN, CRNI

Martin Viegas BSN, RN, CRNI, CCRN, CPEN
| Hospital Onset Bacteremia: Are We Ready | The Centers of Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) has proposed a new metric: Hospital Onset Bacteremia (HOB). BD surveyed 544 clinicians on their knowledge and preparedness for HOB, and how their practice may be impacted by this new metric. We will share the survey results, identify gaps and opportunities for HOB prevention, identification and treatment in the healthcare space. | Watch now |

Victor R. Lange, Ph.D. J.D., MSPH | Needleless Connector Design: The impact on intraluminal occlusion and associated infection risk | Needless connectors, originally designed to improve the safety of healthcare workers, are increasingly being used to mitigate central line‒associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) and central venous catheter intraluminal blood occlusion (CVC-IBO) in patients. There are numerous needless connectors on the market, with varied internal and external design and features. This webinar examines a pending publication comparing the frequency and clinical and financial impact of CVC-IBO and CLABSI among 16 California, USA hospitals using differently designed needless connectors. | Watch now |

Amit Bahl, MD MPH
| Beyond the Stick: Ultrasound’s Key Role in IV Assessment and Care | Despite medical advancements, nearly 50% of IVs still fail, over a third of patients facing difficult venous access (DIVA), leading to high-risk outcomes. While ultrasound has proven invaluable for real-time procedural guidance in DIVA cases, its potential extends far beyond the stick. This presentation will address how ultrasound can revolutionize IV procedures, directing clinicians to optimal veins and averting complications even in cases that initially appear suitable for a traditional insertion. Mere visual or tactile assessment often falls short; ultrasound offers objective data, empowering clinicians to make informed decisions based on catheter to vein ratio and vein depth. Moreover, ultrasound extends its utility beyond preparation and placement, aiding in routine IV site management to proactively identify and prevent complications before they manifest. Despite historic barriers like cost and complexity, advancements in ultra-portable ultrasound and artificial intelligence now democratize expertise across the board. | Watch now |

Wesley T. O’Neal, MD, FACC
| Fenestrated Intravenous Catheter Use in Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA) | Recent guidelines have recommended coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) to be the first-line strategy for evaluating patients with chest pain symptoms. The diagnostic accuracy of CCTA is dependent upon image quality which may be improved by increasing contrast injection rates. Practice guidelines also include using a fenestrated peripheral IV catheter (PIVC). This presentation will review a single center’s experience with fenestrated catheters to improve CCTA image quality and demonstrate methods for achieving high quality images with lower radiation for patients with high BMI. | Watch now |

Melissa Murphy-Mento, MSN, RN, CPEN
| Optimizing Care and Maintenance Strategies for Peripheral Intravenous Catheters (PIVCs): Beyond Insertion | Peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs) play a crucial role in patient care. Up to 90% of hospitalized patients receive a PIVC and 35-50% of those fail prior to completion of therapy. Complications can pose significant risks, both in terms of patient safety and healthcare costs and with many of these being preventable. Understanding how care and maintenance impact the longevity and functionality of peripheral vascular access devices is essential for healthcare professionals striving to enhance patient outcomes and minimize complications. This presentation provides an overview of care and maintenance strategies for PIVCs, emphasizing the critical aspects beyond the initial insertion. | Watch now |

| 2024 Infusion Nurses Society Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice Overview of 9th Edition | Evidence-based infusion therapy practice is essential to optimize patient outcomes in critical care. Infusion Nurses Society Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice are evidence-based clinical guidelines designed to promote positive outcomes in areas such as site selection, device management, infusate administration, quality improvement, and patient advocacy. The Standards are used globally in settings from home care to critical care and address best practice recommendations for infusates, devices, and routes of delivery. This foundational presentation will describe the methodology used to revise the 2024 Standards, illustrate application of selected standards, and identify research priorities. | Watch now |

Max Holder MSN, RN, CRNI, NE-BC, VA-BC
| Developing, growing and enhancing Vascular Access Teams | Approximately one billion VADs are placed worldwide annually1 with up to 85-90% of all hospitalized patients undergoing IV therapy2,3, resulting in substantial healthcare expenditures2
Given the potential clinical and financial benefits of optimized vascular access (VA) practice, there is an imperative to establish VA teams (VATs) with expertise in VAD selection, placement, and management4
This presentation will review strategies for developing, growing, and optimizing Vascular Access Teams while demonstrating the potential enhancements around clinical and economic outcomes.
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Brian Pendleton, RN, MSN and Michele Acito, DNP, RN, NE-BC, NP-C
| One Stick Hospital Stay – Key Elements for Advancing Practice and the Vision | Peripheral IV insertion and blood collection are two of the most common inpatient procedures in US hospitals that touch almost every patient every day. Current practices are often accepted as the norm. The hidden cost, clinical quality, and patient experience impacts may be under appreciated and the possibility of a better standard of care may not be envisioned.
Can we challenge the status quo and transform clinical practice? Is there an opportunity to achieve the vision of a ‘one stick hospital stay’ --- the right IV placed correctly on the first attempt that lasts for the duration of care and can be used for both infusion therapy and blood draws? What does it take to overcome the status quo and implement change? The ability to drive sustainable change is critical to advancing clinical practice. But change requires strong leadership and a disciplined and creative approach that balances the need of nurse engagement with demanding workloads and a primary focus on direct patient care.
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Dr. Nathan T. Gilmore, MD, MBA | The association between catheter type and dialysis treatments, leading to improved patient experience and outcomes | Multicenter studies suggest that more than half of ICU patients and approximately 5–7% of all hospitalized patients are affected by acute kidney injury (AKI), which is characterized by a significant loss in kidney function and is associated with increased mortality. Given the prevalence of AKI among critical care patients, device selection can play a key role in successful dialysis treatments within the ICU for optimal CRRT sessions. Dialysis catheter type may be associated with differences in continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) treatment in the critically ill, with potential implications for enhanced patient outcomes and healthcare costs. This presentation will review strategies for proper device selection using data from two U.S.-based ICUs and evaluate the impact of short-term dialysis catheters on multiple dialysis treatment outcomes. | Watch now |

Jocelyn Hill, CNS, APN | The needle-free connector; dispel the doubts about displacement | Needle-free connectors were originally designed to improve the safety of healthcare workers by reducing needlestick injuries. Now, NFCs are increasingly being used to mitigate catheter related complications such as central line‒associated bloodstream infection (CLABSIs) and occlusions. There are currently many different designs of NFCs on the market, which can make it difficult to evaluate and chose the right NFC for your facility. This webinar reviews the evolution of NFCs and provides an overview of how the various design of NFCs may impact clinical outcomes. During the webinar, there will be a discussion on NFC displacement and a review of current literature and guidelines, which highlight key design features to consider when selecting a NFC for your facility. | Watch now |

Dr. Rodrigo Cartin-Ceba, MD, MSc

Barb Nickel,
| Vascular Access Device (VAD) Selection in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) | In the intensive care unit (ICU) setting, vascular access devices (VADs) are required for different purposes, including blood sampling, administration of fluids and medications, injection of contrast medium for diagnostic purposes, and hemodynamic monitoring. Determining the most appropriate vascular access device for a patient can be challenging. As clinicians, it is important to understand the clinical standards and guidelines when caring for critically ill patients and determining the most appropriate vascular access device. Multiple factors need to be considered as part of the assessment process such as infusates, patient acuity, site selection, duration of therapy, and the proper patient positioning upon insertion. This presentation will review strategies for proper device selection, care, and maintenance that may help reduce complications and optimize patient outcomes. | Watch now |

Cheryl Campos, DNP, RN-BC, CEN, CPHQ, VA-BC
| The Quiet Epidemic of Venous Depletion and a Vision of a ‘One Stick Hospital Stay’ | Venous depletion and preservation are concepts gaining attention to improve quality of care, reduce inefficiencies and cost while preserving vessel health for future care. Peripheral IV insertion and blood collection are two of the most common inpatient procedures in US hospitals that touch almost every patient every day. Despite up to 90% of hospitalized patients already having peripheral access, we’ve relied on separate venipunctures, an average of 1.6 to 2.2 blood collection episodes per day. For ‘difficult intravenous access’ (DIVA) patients, the challenge is even greater. As the population gets older and lives longer, does each patient’s trip to the hospital increase the risk of vessel depletion? What impact does it have on the patient’s experience? Can we challenge the status quo and transform clinical practice? And, is there an opportunity to achieve the vision of a ‘one stick hospital stay’ --- the right IV placed correctly on the first attempt that last for the duration of care and can be used for both infusion therapy and blood draws? | Watch now |

Dr. Frank A Drews, PhD
| An examination of human error in healthcare settings. What can we do to mitigate the risk? | Human error in hospitals is the third leading cause of death in the United States according to a 2016 study. Mistakes in medical care can be dangerous resulting in death or serious injury. Even the best clinicians can make errors, but what can be done to minimize them in patient care, especially when procedures are being completed by well-meaning but imperfect humans? This presentation will examine the common contributors to human error and while error is part of our cognitive makeup, research in healthcare settings will be reviewed that highlights steps that can be taken to mitigate or “engineer out” some of that risk. Dr. Drews examines the surprising impact of common occurrences in your everyday work life like interruptions, multi-tasking and time pressure that may contribute to error. | Watch now |

Michele Biscossi, ACNP-BC, MS, RN, CNL, VA-BC
| Problem or Solution? Clinical Evidence connecting Needle-Free Connectors to Lower Rates of CLABSI and Occlusions
| This presentation will look at types of evidence and why "real world studies" reporting actual clinical outcomes are more applicable to clinical practice decisions than laboratory studies. | Watch now |

Michele Biscossi, ACNP-BC, MS, RN, CNL, VA-BC
| Vascular Access Device Care and Management
| An overview of the risks associated with VADs in clinical practice and review of how organizations need to evaluate VAD Care and Management against the INS Standards of best practice. A novel evidence-based data collection tool will be introduced which may help drive clinical decisions as they relate to VADS.
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