
Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice 2021  

Vascular Device Planning a MDS INS Webinar Series - Webinar 3

BD global webinar series, Understanding INS Standards: Best Practices for Optimizing Vascular Access Management.
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Webinar 3: Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice 2021—Vascular Device Planning

Tap into Ms. Kleidon’s unique expert insight as a contributor to the Standards, researcher and clinician to help you expand your knowledge on the three types of peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs) and the factors to consider when choosing the appropriate device for treating your patients. This webinar will help you elevate your own technique and practice to improve patient outcomes and success.
Tricia Kleidon, MNSc, BNSc, RN

Webinar 3 of 6

Vascular Access Management Program

Helpful Information
(English) (Spanish) > (Portuguese) > (Vietnamese) > (Japanese) > (Korean) > (Turkish) > (Bahasa Malaysia) >(Bahasa Indonesia)
13 October 2021, 8 a.m. EST; 45 minute presentation, followed by 15 minute live Q&A with recording available in multiple languages after air date.