
BD ChloraPrep™ Swabsticks with Sterile Solution

Same trusted product. Now with sterile solution.

Applying ChloraPrep™ Swabstick
BD ChloraPrep™ Swabsticks with Sterile Solution

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BD ChloraPrep™ Swabstick with Sterile Solution

Same trusted product.
Now with Sterile Solution.

BD ChloraPrep™ Swabstick with Sterile Solution is the only commercially available sterile skin antiseptic swabstick in the United States—raising the standand of antiseptic care yet again.

  • Sterile solution (2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) & 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA))
  • Sterile applicator
  • Proven efficacy (backed by 60+ clinical studies)
  • New, user-friendly design

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    Sterile Solutions

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    BD ChloraPrep™ Patient Preoperative Skin Preparation
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    1. Data on File. Protocol Number: SUR-18IPVCP02. Becton Dickinson; June 2021.

    BD-131631 (07/24)

    Products & Accessories
    BD ChloraPrepᵀᴹ Swabsticks with Sterile Solution BD ChloraPrep™ swabstick /content/dam/bd-assets/bd-com/en-us/logos/bd/header-bd-logo.svg

    Same trusted product. Now with sterile solution.